Building a Legacy You Can Be Proud Of with Sal Frisella
Sal Frisella
Sal Frisella is a husband, father of three children, and the President of 1st Phorm Supplements, which was founded by his brother Andy. He was a Minor League Baseball player who was drafted by the St. Louis Cardinals and played for the Single A New Jersey Cardinals.
Sal went from a baseball player to selling copiers to medical sales where he worked for Johnson and Johnson as a successful sales agent. After these phases of his life, Sal realized that these jobs were not meant for him. Sal knew that he had to take a chance on himself and live the best possible life ever. Becoming the President of 1stPhorm gave him the best life that he could want.
However, Sal’s goals weren’t always clear. The fear of rejection and fear of the word “no” often held him back during his younger years. Yet, fear didn’t stop him from trying. Sal’s success in his life can attest to this because even through doubt and others’ negative opinions, he was able to push through and achieve the life he wanted. Sometimes, we are so afraid of rejection that we live with the regret of not trying at all.
Take advantage of every single day and live as if it were your last, or you’ll live with regret. The greatest strikeout of life is never stepping up to the plate. In order to live a fulfilling life, we have to embrace fear and live life to the fullest.

What You’ll Learn:
Sal begins talking about his wife and children.
Sal talks about the meaning behind his son’s name, “Enzo,” which means champion in Italian. He talks about how a name can be a unique identifier in a child’s life.
Time goes by so quickly when you have kids. Try to slow down and embrace the moments. Sal and his wife bought a farm to slow down in life.
COVID-19 caused a force to be present and break away from technology because we were home with our kids, and we had nothing but time to spend with them. Your phone becomes a pillar of your life and takes away your attention.
Sal talks about how he learned discipline when it comes to technology and putting the phone away in order to have quality time with his children.
Sal talks about how he makes his wife the Queen by letting her choose what they do because it’s her time to lead in the relationship. Setting boundaries is extremely healthy in a relationship.
Meeting in the middle goes a long way. It’s not always about being right. God gave you a mouth and two ears for a reason.
Guys don’t want to ask for help and admit that they’re struggling.
Sal talks about building a legacy so powerful that his stories and life lessons will live on beyond him. He wants to build relationships so meaningful that his kids will have someone to take care of them and tell them memories about their dad.
Sal talks about how he wasn’t always like this during his younger years. He recalls how he has been extremely blessed in the sense of having perspective. He says that his advantage has been being able to live a lot of really cool lives.
If you could treat every day as your last at bat, how hard would you swing?
Coming to 1st Phorm allowed Sal to go from being a jellyfish to being a shark; he got to hunt for what he wanted. With that, comes a little selfishness.
Most men are afraid of rejection and failure. You never know unless you try.
Sal says he would tell his younger self, 7 years ago, to be more adventurous in life. It gives you the opportunity to see what you like and what you don’t like.
Sal talks about what he and his family would be talking about in the next 25 years. He would want to say that he gave everything he could in order for them to have the best life.
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Embracing Fear and Living Life to the Fullest with Sal Frisella
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Sal Frisella
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