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Wild Power: Understanding Your Woman’s Cycle with Alexandra and Sjanie from Red School

Today we’re going to shed light on a mysterious phenomenon that puzzles most men and even women—the menstrual cycle. We usually shy away from discussing this topic in great detail, but it is a huge part of life as a couple. Understanding your woman’s cycle will allow you to get to know her in a way you never thought possible.

Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer are the authors of Wild Power and the co-founders of Red School. They are going to teach us about the four seasons of your woman’s cycle, what goes on in her mind and body and how you can work in harmony with the seasons.

They tell us how to take advantage of what each season has to offer as well as knowing what your partner needs before she even asks for it. You will know when she craves space, when she needs connection, and when she’s most sexually charged.

This episode will be a revelation. Alexandra and Sjanie’s advice will equip you with all the knowledge you need to appreciate and “flow” with the wild power of your woman’s cycle.

Red School

Red School teaches a radical new approach to women’s health and wellbeing; creativity and leadership; and spiritual life based on the power of our menstruality consciousness.

With combined experience in the fields of psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, coaching, teaching and facilitation, Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer are both published authors and experts in the fields of women’s health and wellbeing and spirituality.

Between us they have forty years of exploring and learning about menstruality from their own deeply lived experience and the collective knowledge they have gathered from working with thousands of women in workshops, one to one sessions and passing conversation.

What You Will Learn

  • Understanding the menstrual cycle is knowing your wife
  • How working with a woman’s cycle creates harmony in families
  • Women experience different emotional climates, and that is not bad thing if you understand what is happening to her
  • The female cycle is fundamental to a woman’s creative and sexual energy.
  • Why women have different perspectives and change their minds depending on the time of month.
  • The four seasons of menstruation:
    • Winter (1 or 2 days before her period till it’s over) – energy is low, and she feels vulnerable. She will want to drop out from the world and withdraw. Men should provide safety, space, and decision-making.
    • Spring (end of period till day 11) – a time of experimentation and possibility. Motivation begins to come back. She will need cherishing.
    • Summer (approx. 11-19 days) – This is her superwoman time. She will be productive, industrious, playful, sensual, and attractive. She will be less defensive. She will want to be seen and appreciated. It’s a good time to have difficult conversations and approach her with physical intimacy.
    • Fall (after day 18 or 19) – Sensitivity will begin to heighten. She will have bigger, stronger feelings and be tough and critical. She will need to slow down and reevaluate what she is doing. During this time, she will need to be heard. The best thing to do for her is listen to the truth in what she’s saying without getting defensive or dismissive.
  • To be understood is everything for a woman.
  • The power of being cycle efficient is that everyone’s needs are met and everyone’s happy.
  • Bickering falls away when each takes responsibility for what they can handle it when they can handle it. It’s a dance.
  • Do men have cycles?


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Alexandra and Sjanjie’s links

Red School





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