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Raising Strong Girls—A Dad’s Guide with Dr. Tim Jordan

It takes a special skillset to be a good dad to a daughter. We don’t have many shows about raising girls. If you have daughters between ages of five and twenty-five, this show is for you.

Today we are grateful to have Dr. Tim Jordan on the show to give us simple, sound advice on raising strong girls. He is the expert on parenting girls, a counselor, and the author of SHE LEADS: A Practical Guide for Raising Girls Who Advocate, Influence, and Lead.

Dr. Tim Jordan is going to tell us how we as fathers can best help our daughters become empowered and confident. He highlights the unique challenges girls face that dads might not be aware of. He also explains how to teach girls to navigate pressure, speak up for themselves, and discover their true gifts.

Dr. Tim Jordan

Dr. Tim’s love for working with kids began with caring for his five younger sisters. As he pursued a career as a Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrician, he discovered he had a magical connection with girls that was built on trust and care.

Dr. Tim has enjoyed 30 years of experience interacting with circles of girls during his personal growth retreats, summer camps, and school programs where girls share their deepest trials and triumphs.

He helps girls from ages 5 – 25 and provides guidance for parents raising daughters.

SHE LEADS: A Practical Guide for Raising Girls Who Advocate, Influence, and Lead

Girls globally aspire to be a leader in their country, community, and career. Parents hear of the importance of empowering their daughters. Yet they receive very little instruction on how to parent girls to that end…until now. “She Leads” describes leadership qualities that are most in need today and the practical strategies parents can immediately use to help girls develop these traits. Whether or not your daughter becomes the leader of the free world is less important than her acquiring the skills to carve out the life she deserves and desires. This book will be your guide in raising strong, confident, passionate, influential young women who become successful and powerful initiators of change.

What You’ll Learn

  • Unfinished business from our childhood haunts our parenting.
  • Dads need to increase their self-awareness to be better fathers.
  • Don’t be afraid to be different as a person or parent.
  • How to ask why questions to get to the core of your daughters’ motivations.
  • How to guide girls to find their calling.
  • Most girls feel the pressure to know their future at a young age.
  • Tell them girls it’s okay not to know the big picture. Relax. Your life will unfold. Follow your heart, accumulate experiences, and the big picture will appear.
  • The value of people skills over perfect grades
  • There are many kinds of intelligence—emotional intelligence, street smarts, creativity, etc.
  • Validate and encourage your daughters’ gifts.
  • Dads must value all the things that are special about their daughters besides their looks—courage, people skills, integrity, uniqueness.
  • Acknowledge other women you see who have admirable qualities, whether in real life, TV shows, movies, or books.
  • How to show girls not to give away their power
  • Be a non-judgmental listener.
  • Why dad’s must share their own stories
  • Don’t go into fix-it mode when your girl comes to you with a problem.
  • Ask your daughters if they want feedback. Always ask for permission to give advice.
  • Kids need to find out who they are to have a happy life.


Communication Mastery for Fathers with Chris Voss

How to Raise Confident, Mentally Tough Daughters with Emily McCarthy

Raising Strong Daughters

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Dr. Tim Jordan




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