parenting after divorce

A Dad’s Guide to Parenting After Divorce with Evan DeMarco

How can you be the best dad after your marriage fails? What can you do to use post-divorce life as an opportunity to grow into the best version of yourself? Today’s show is a dad’s guide to parenting after divorce.

Evan DeMarco is the host of the Single Parents Daily and the Complete Human podcasts. Evan tells his harrowing story of his parents’ divorce, and how his father kidnapped him when he was a toddler. He reveals how his abandonment issues led to his own divorce, forcing him to confront his issues. Evan gives divorced dads tips to reclaim their true selves while also giving married and dating dads insights on how to develop and keep the relationship they have or begin a new one.

This show is gets real, so get ready to face some hard truths.

Single Parents Daily

There comes a point when every single parent says “I can’t do this.” The catalyst for this declaration can range from an overwhelmingly large pile of laundry, to not being able to pay the rent, to seeing your child attach to an ex’s new significant other. Being a single parent is one of the hardest single things any one person can do. But, it is also one of the most rewarding. As two parents who have navigated painful divorces while trying to maintain business and most importantly, be the best parents to our children, we recognize that our moderate success is a result of the tools we developed and the people that we surrounded ourselves with. We invite all parents to join us on our journey of Single Parenthood, where we discuss everything from how we learned to deal with our exes and navigate dating while having children. Our hope is to share these tools in a way that helps all single parents raise happy healthy kids who are prepared for a successful future as well-adjusted adults. We are not experts on single parenting, if there is such a thing. We are two parents struggling to do our best. Sometimes we fail. Sometimes we succeed. But always are we two parents who love our kids more than anything and are excited to share our journey as Single Parents Daily.

Mia and The Go Away Monster Spray

Mia’s got a problem― she’s got a monster living in her closet and that’s not going to fly with her. Mia enlists her dad to help her get rid of it once and for all. Together, Mia and her dad brew a magic potion called the Go Away Monster Spray. The recipes vital ingredient is a single strand of Mia’s hair. Can Mia and her Dad concoct the potion and banish the closet monster?

What You’ll Learn

  • Even though 50% of marriages end in divorce, there is tremendous stigma for divorced parents.
  • Men screw up so many relationships because we don’t know how to be vulnerable. We are not allowed to own our feelings.
  • Trying to make everyone happy results in not being true to yourself anymore.
  • How to move past the victim mentality and finger-pointing
  • Refocus on who you want and need to be.
  • How to collaborate as parents after divorce
  • Advice for married guys who come from divorced backgrounds—get comfortable with being vulnerable and get comfortable with yourself. Not everyone has to like you or agree with you.
  • The grass is greener where you water it. Don’t look for another relationship. Feed the one you have.
  • In marriage you have to be yourself. Don’t sweep stuff under the rug. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with your partner in a respectful way.
  • Look at the stuff you’re not okay with and find a way to fix those things.
  • We can always bring new things into an existing marriage.
  • The idea of “you complete me” is wrong. Both partners need to be complete people.
  • Give yourself space to respond. It’s okay to go to be angry.
  • Set a deadline for when you will resolve a discussion.
  • Make time for fun and play in your relationship. Find what makes you happy together and do it more often.
  • The Divorce Bucket List –Make a list of things we did not do for ourselves when we were married.
  • Creating an Individual and Married Bucket list.
  • You don’t need to find someone to find value in life. It’s okay to be single.
  • Evan’s goal is to raise 2 million dollars with his children’s book for Operation Underground Railroad, whose mission is to stop human trafficking. You can help by buying his book, Mia and the Go Away Monster Spray.


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One Comment

  1. I like your idea to create a divorce bucket list of things you didn’t do while married. I want to support my brother since he just let me know he wants to serve divorce papers to his wife due to infidelity. Maybe I’ll show him your advice to help him rediscover himself after the divorce is finished.

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