
How to Awaken Your Sexual Being with Sarrah Rose

Sarrah Rose

Sarrah Rose is the founder of Tantric Activation which is a company that advocates pleasure as a way of life and a path to awakening. Sarrah is the daughter of an Evangelical pastor and grew up in a very religious family in Pheonix, Arizona. Growing up, sex was an unspoken topic that had a bad connotation around it. Although she prayed to Jesus every day and asked him to forgive her of her sins, she never felt worthy enough. She associated love with rejection, which made her feel worthless.

However, Sarrah knew that she needed to know more. Over the duration of 19 years and over $100,000 spent on learning about tantra and sexual awakening, Sarrah realized that unconditional love for oneself is the key to achieving a pleasurable life. All this learning led her to where she’s at now: making the experience of tantra available to all women and giving them the pleasure-filled lives they crave. Making love to life is the mantra that Sarrah teaches in her coaching. She helps thousands of women discover their true potential in not only love-making but also in life as well.

What You’ll Learn: 


Sarrah dives into what her childhood and family dynamic were like growing up.


Sarrah talks about her parent’s marriage and the success they’ve had with it over the past 40+ years.


Sarrah talks about the things she does in the dating field to keep the relationship fresh.


Sarrah talks about the reason couples fall into the complacent stage.


Sarrah talks about how she came into her career as a Sex and Intimacy Coach.


Sarrah talks about why she chose sex and intimacy as a career.


Sarrah talks about how there are generalities amongst men and women and how some people miss the point of relationships.


Sarrah talks about the common themes amongst married women and intimacy.


Sarrah talks about the things that women say are the best turn-ons outside of the bedroom.


Sarrah talks about how men can be better about seeing and hearing their partners.


Sarrah talks about communicating sensations with your partner.


Sarrah talks about the common themes amongst married men and intimacy.


Sarrah talks about how men can start the conversation on what needs they need to be met without sounding needy.


If we aren’t constantly learning and growing in the realm of sex and intimacy, we will never develop the skills necessary to make that area of our lives better.


Sarrah talks about one of her best success stories and the issues addressed during that time. She also talks about lessons learned, how they were executed, and what came up as a result.


Sarrah talks about the most meaningful thing that she does in her work.


Sexploration and Intimacy Tips for Married Men with Dr. Corey Allan

How to Have Amazing Sex in Your Marriage with Dr. Emily Morse

5 Small Ways to Make Huge Improvements to Your Sex Life

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Sarrah Rose




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