Everything is Gonna Be Alright, Alright, Alright with Matthew McConaughey

Everything is Gonna Be Alright, Alright, Alright with Matthew McConaughey

 Matthew McConaughey Alright, alright, alright is the famous phrase coined by the illustrious Matthew McConaughey. He is an actor, father, husband, and author. When Matthew was younger, his father instilled in him three principles for life – “Don’t say can’t,” “love, don’t hate,” “tell the truth, don’t lie” and he has carried these principles…

Inheritance is Temporary, Legacy is Forever with John Ramstead
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Inheritance is Temporary, Legacy is Forever with John Ramstead

 John Ramstead John Ramstead is a husband, father, entrepreneur, and author of On Purpose, With Purpose. Ramstead knew from a young age that he wanted to be a pilot. However, when he got to college and was enrolled in the ROTC program, he never believed that he had what it took to be a…

Porn Detox – The Truth Will Set You Free with Ted Shimer
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Porn Detox – The Truth Will Set You Free with Ted Shimer

 Ted Shimer Ted Shimer, author of the Freedom Fight, is a 30 year veteran of a National Collegiate Disciplinary Ministry who has helped thousands of young individuals in their pornography addiction. His book The Freedom Fight is also a no-cost internet program that uses the power brain of science to outgrow porn and heal from…