The Battle For Our Kids Attention with Richard Capriola

The Battle For Our Kids Attention with Richard Capriola

TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram are the most popular social media platforms for our kids today, and especially our teenagers. We are the first generation of parents that are confronted with the battle for our kids’ time, their attention, and even their mental health. My guest today gives us a deep dive look at the impact…

Unlocking Your Resilience Through Faith with Daniel Fusco

Unlocking Your Resilience Through Faith with Daniel Fusco

We all experience times of fear, worrying, suffering, and stress through life. Sometimes it can last a day, weeks, months, seasons, or even years. But the bottom line is life was never meant to be easy or joyful at all times. However, we can shorten these tough times in our lives by becoming more resilient…