Emmanuel Guarino – Why I Left a 500K per Year Job to Help Men With Porn Addiction

Emmanuel Guarino is the founder of Team Vulnerable. Their mission is to help other married couples overcome porn addiction and have a relationship and life filled with vulnerability and freedom.

Introduction to the Episode

In this episode, Larry Hagner interviews Emmanuel Guarino, who shares his personal story of struggling with a porn addiction. Emmanuel talks about his lack of sex education growing up and how he started watching porn at a young age. He reveals that his addiction escalated in college and caused problems in his relationship, including erectile dysfunction on his wedding night.

The Toll on Mental Health and the Turning Point

Emmanuel Guarino describes the negative impact porn had on his life and how it took a toll on his mental health. He then shares a pivotal moment during COVID when he realized he needed help and reached out to God for guidance.

The Impact on Intimacy and Relationships

His addiction escalated to the point where it interfered with his wedding night. Despite his intentions to quit watching porn before marrying Becca, he found himself unable to perform sexually due to porn-induced erectile dysfunction. This revelation was a devastating blow to both Emmanuel and Becca, as he had to explain that his inability was not a reflection of her desirability or attractiveness. It was a consequence of his addiction and the distorted mindset it had created.

The Broader Picture: Addressing Porn Addiction

Emmanuel’s story serves as a poignant example of how porn addiction can ruin relationships and lives. It highlights the detrimental effects it can have on intimacy, trust, and emotional well-being. Porn addiction not only distorts an individual’s perception of sex and relationships but also leads to a breakdown in communication and emotional connection.

The Importance of Sex Education and Open Conversations

It is essential to recognize the seriousness of porn addiction and the need for support and treatment. Emmanuel’s story emphasizes the importance of open and honest conversations about sex education and the impact of pornography. Education should focus on healthy relationships, consent, and the potential consequences of excessive porn consumption.

Larry’s Takeaways

  1. Porn addiction ruins relationships and lives.
  2. Honesty and communication are key.
  3. Porn steals time and relationships.

What You’ll Learn

00:04:47 Porn addiction destroys relationships.

00:06:16 Overcoming addiction through vulnerability.

00:12:20 Honesty and communication are key.

00:14:16 Importance of open communication.

00:20:30. Porn steals time and relationships.

00:24:17. Porn addiction affects relationships negatively.

00:29:19 Importance of accountability in relationships.

00:33:23 Porn use can lead to ED issues.

00:39:32 Sexual intimacy is about connection.

00:43:15 Importance of vulnerability in relationships.

00:49:09 Vulnerability is key to healing.

00:52:40 Take one step at a time.

00:57:52 Money reflects our true values.





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