Insurance Coverage: 3 Areas You May Have Overlooked with Dan the Insurance Man

Insurance Coverage: 3 Areas You May Have Overlooked with Dan the Insurance Man

Most of us never read our entire insurance policy. Even if we did, would we understand it? How do we know if we have the best policy for our homes, assets, and automobiles? Do we know how much insurance we really need to cover ourselves in the event of a catastrophe? How do we protect ourselves from lawsuits, accidents, and identity theft? On today’s Thursday Throwdown, I have Dan “The Insurance Man” Luigs to talk about areas we may have overlooked in our insurance coverage.

How to Have Healthy Arguments Even in Front of the Kids
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How to Have Healthy Arguments Even in Front of the Kids

On this week’s Thursday Throwdown, we’re following up on our last episode with Peter Sacco about how to argue with your spouse. We will all have disagreements with our partner every now and then. This is normal and couples who don’t bring up difficult subjects are in danger of letting issues go unresolved or allowing resentment build until it explodes. Here are 4 tips to have a healthy argument with your partner while setting an example for your kids about how to resolve disagreements without anger.

How to Argue with Your Spouse with Peter Sacco
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How to Argue with Your Spouse with Peter Sacco

Most of us men have a tendency to accumulate build-up of anger and emotions. It’s easy for us to lose our temper and let a discussion turn into an argument. When we are angry, we can’t think logically. This is when we’re endanger of saying things or behaving in ways we regret towards our partner. Today, Peter Sacco is back on the show to tell you how to argue with your spouse without drama, anger, and resentment.

Stop the Guilt – Why Dads Need Time with Their Tribe

Stop the Guilt – Why Dads Need Time with Their Tribe

Guilt. So many of us walk around with guilt and it’s crippling. We feel guilty handing over our time and resources. We feel guilty about too much time with work. We have no time for friends. We even feel guilty for reading a book. Life is centered around family and work. We feel like me must be everything to every single person until we become nothing and no one to ourselves. Find out how we need to let this guilt go in order to become better husbands, fathers, and men.