Jake Scott – Behind the Music: The Joys and Challenges of Marriage and Parenthood

Jake Scott – Behind the Music: The Joys and Challenges of Marriage and Parenthood

Jake Scott is an American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. While at the university, he began to write and record music–launching his career. In fall of 2013, Jake Scott released his first, self-produced EP, “Of Life and Love and Longing”. Jake’s passion for music was influenced by the sacrifices his father made to be actively involved in his life.

5 Rules for an Unshakable Marriage

5 Rules for an Unshakable Marriage

Marriage is the foundation of everything. It is our home and our refuge.
Today’s guest is a legend in our mastermind community, Joe Bailey. Joe is on his fourth marriage and it will be his last. He’s made lots of mistakes when it comes to relationships, but he’s been lucky enough use them to grow and adapt.
Today he shares his firsthand experience and five rules for an unshakable marriage!

Jim Miller:  Living life without regret

Jim Miller: Living life without regret

Jim Miller lives everyday putting all of himself into it. He would prefer to suffer injury or pain (emotional or physical) if it meant that he left everything on the mat. After all, he says, the only thing you can control is the effort you put into life. This same philosophy is what he brings to parenting. As the father of four kids, Jim wants to teach his children that every day matters and, because of this, they should do what they love.