Navigating Through Modern Parenthood with Nikki Pauli and Shane Fuller
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Navigating Through Modern Parenthood with Nikki Pauli and Shane Fuller

Shane and Nikki are both parents to four kids and love it (almost all the time). Through their personal and professional experiences they’ve realized how desperate parents are to do the best for their kids. It’s just that sometimes we find ourselves in moments or situations that scare us or catch us off guard. There…

Parenting with Leadership with Stewart Friedman and Alyssa Westring

Parenting with Leadership with Stewart Friedman and Alyssa Westring

Today we have Stewart Friedman and Alyssa Westring on the show. They are organizational psychologists and the authors of Parents Who Lead: The Leadership Approach You Need to Parent with Purpose, Fuel Your Career, and Create a Richer Life. They’re going to give us the skillset we need to lead our families and plan and prioritize our lives around what truly matters to us.
This show will totally change the way you look at your role as a father. Don’t miss this chance to create the family life you always dreamed of!

Modern Manhood: What it Means to Be a Good Man Today with Cleo Stiller

Modern Manhood: What it Means to Be a Good Man Today with Cleo Stiller

Do you consider yourself to be one of the “good guys?” What is the truth about masculinity? What does it mean to be a good man in today’s rapidly changing society? The old ideas of the man being a lone pursuer, protector, and provider are evolving, leaving many men confused about their role in family and society.
In this episode, Cleo Stiller provides context for men and women when it comes to friendship, sex, parenting, money, and work. She also tells us how dads can become better human beings and raise their sons to confidently navigate the modern world.

The Dad Edge: Larry Hagner on the Actidad Podcast
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The Dad Edge: Larry Hagner on the Actidad Podcast

Today, we are switching things around. I recently got a chance to share my story on the ActiDad podcast with awesome host, Mark Savant. Listen as we discuss health, women, children, and tribe. We talk about the importance of community and how to upgrade your life by finding the right men to surround yourself with.
It’s time to live legendary!

Embracing the Parenting Journey
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Embracing the Parenting Journey

As men, we often feel alone on our journeys—especially when it comes to parenting. Today’s guest is Dad Edge Alliance member, Simon. He talks about how when his wife got pregnant he didn’t want to have a boy because it would force him to confront issues he didn’t want to deal with. The thought of becoming a parent baffled him, but once his son was born he realized that shedding his former self and embracing the parenting journey came naturally.