Larry Hagner – Top 10 Lessons for a Successful Marriage

Larry Hagner – Top 10 Lessons for a Successful Marriage

In this episode, Larry Hagner delves into the glaring absence of comprehensive education on what makes a marriage successful, and the trials many couples face as a result of this deficiency in knowledge and skills. Larry turns the spotlight on his own marriage, expressing his heartfelt gratitude as he crosses the two-decade milestone. Additionally, Larry touches upon the escalating divorce rates and explores whether a lack of these crucial skills might be a major contributing factor.

The Art of Charm and Professional Relationships with Jordan Harbinger

The Art of Charm and Professional Relationships with Jordan Harbinger

Work relationship issues can lead to broken deals, missed promotions, and lost jobs. Today, Jordan Harbinger from the Art of Charm Podcast uncovers the truths and smashes the myths about building relationships at work. He also tells us how our body language dictates how we are treated, and gives us his drill to start appearing more confident and competent right away.