Changing Your Relationship with Alcohol with Ruari Fairbairns

Changing Your Relationship with Alcohol with Ruari Fairbairns

Alcohol is embedded into our society. Besides its traditional use as a social lubricant and its presence in nearly every celebration, the alcohol industry has psychologically programmed us to crave alcohol. But is it really adding to our enjoyment of life?

Today we have Ruari Fairbairns back on the show. He is the cofounder of One Year No Beer, a massive, global alcohol-free movement. Ruari started in a job where drinking was part of a successful career, but he when he became a dad, the late nights and hangovers threatened his relationship with his family. He quit alcohol and was surprised to find how it revolutionized his life. His story comes full circle with a recent encounter with the Dalai Lama.

Ruari talks about rewiring your brain and changing your relationship with alcohol. Whether it’s the occasional binge or a few daily beers after work, alcohol has a huge impact on your mental and physical wellbeing. He also tells us how to combat the stigma associated with not drinking and how to be alcohol-free and still have fun.

One Year No Beer

Society has conditioned you that you need alcohol to be successful, to be cool, to be sexy, to have fun, to relax, the list goes on and on. How will you fare going up against years of social conditioning, second-hand peer pressure and self-doubt, all on your own?

The key difference between One Year No Beer challenges and just “stopping drinking” is that we teach you to have a mindset shift. We help break down the habits associated with drinking, the same habits that can help change multiple areas of your life.

What You’ll Learn

  • Alcohol is the most harmful drug in existence to individuals and society
  • How Ruari had the chance opportunity to meet the Dalai Lama
  • The Dalai Lamas surprising answer to Ruari’s question, “What would you say to somebody who is trying to change their relationships with addictions?”
  • Why we have to involve alcohol in social settings
  • The trillions of dollars the alcohol industry has spent on marketing
  • How our identity and tribalism are associated with alcohol
  • How society will soon shift away from promoting alcohol, just like cigarettes
  • The idea behind OYNB
  • How to fight peer pressure to drink
  • Stealth drinking (pretending to drink)
  • The “FEAR” behind quitting alcohol (False Evidence Appearing Real)
  • How to not be the boring sober person
  • How OYNB uses social media as a step to change
  • How if you’re drinking more than 5 or 6 beers a week regularly, the OYNB program will have a huge impact
  • How a low amount of alcohol can have a massive impact without you realizing it
  • How long it takes to process alcohol
  • How alcohol is literally poison—ethanol, a colorless flammable liquid
  • How the liver must process alcohol before anything else, including fat
  • Alcohol is a known depressant
  • Why hangovers last longer as you get older
  • Most people don’t know who they are or who they can be until they detox
  • Why choosing to quit is different from being forced to quit
  • What can dads expect who rely on a beer to chill out after work
  • How to still enjoy beer while being alcohol free
  • How drinking alcohol-free beer releases dopamine and helps you relearn how to relax without alcohol
  • How Ruari does drink sometimes
  • When quitting alcohol, think of what you’ll gain. If you come from a place from abstaining from something you love, it reaffirms that you’re making a sacrifice
  • The details of all One Year No Beer challenges
  • How to switch off a stressed brain at night
  • Freeing yourself from other addictions by starting with quitting alcohol—it will change your relationship with all things
  • How going alcohol free will help you be a better dad, husband, and man

When there’s pain, if you invest your time, energy, and resources where that pain is, it will most likely evolve and flourish.

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Mentioned Episodes: 

The Life Lessons Learned from Going One Year Without Drinking

How to Conquer Alcohol Addiction with Ruari Fairbains

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[email protected]





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