Michael Rucker Dad Edge Podcast
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Michael Rucker – The Science of Fun

Dr. Michael Rucker is the Chief Digital Officer of Active Wellness, and the creator and author of “The Fun Habit”, an action-based approach that helps critically examine one’s pursuit of happiness and make adjustments using evidence-based practices to invite more fun and joy in life. Today, he joined Larry and shares about how the pursuit of joy and wonder can change your life.

Mike Rucker believes that joy and wonder can be found in the simple things in life, like spending time with family and friends, playing with children, and taking time to appreciate the beauty of nature. Joy and wonder can also be found in larger, more meaningful moments, like celebrating a milestone, or mourning the loss of a loved one.

Mike adds that the pursuit of joy and wonder is a powerful force that can change our lives for the better. It can be found in the little moments of everyday life and in the bigger, more meaningful moments. Joy and wonder bring us closer to our true selves, and can bring us closer to those we love.

It is important to remember that life is too short not to have fun. When we are present for our families, we are showing them that we care and that we value our relationships. So, take the time to be present and enjoy the moments that we have with our loved ones.


Larry’s Takeaways

  1. Find joy in balance.
  2. Take breaks to prevent burnout.
  3. Enjoy life, don’t overwork.

What You’ll Learn

00:00:17 Pursue joy and wonder.

00:09:03 Set realistic expectations.

00:11:00 Anticipation leads to disappointment.

00:17:00 Enjoy life to stay healthy.

00:20:59 Enjoy life, don’t overwork.

00:27:39 Find balance in leisure time.

00:30:28 Recharge to be productive.

00:36:14 Transition ritual for family time.

00:44:17 Find common ground with kids.

00:49:14 Take classes together.

00:52:59 Learn together, have fun.

00:57:14 Live legendary fun.




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