how to get rid of the dad bod Josiah Novak

How to Get Rid of the Dad Bod in 2017 with Josiah Novak

Fitness Coach, Josiah Novak, is back on The Good Dad Project to tell us the secrets to following through with health resolutions and getting rid of the dad bod in 2017.

The New Year is well on its way. Have you stuck to your health and fitness resolutions? If you haven’t, you’re not alone. As much as 70% of New Year’s resolutions are abandoned by March. Josiah Novak is here today to tell us why it’s so difficult to commit to a new health regimen. He also gives us simple and effective strategies to ensure great results without sacrificing precious free time or depriving ourselves of the foods we love.

Dad’s want to be the king of everything for their families, and we constantly compare ourselves with others. Social media, supplement companies, and magazines give us unrealistic expectations. So when we can’t keep up with the latest extreme diet or fitness program, or if we don’t instantly get the shredded body we hoped for, we ditch our efforts and go back to our old bad habits.

It’s time to break the cycle in 2017. Busy dads can apply these health and fitness strategies, no matter what kind of lifestyle they lead.

  1. Find a plan that fits.

Dads tend to go into the New Year with an all or nothing approach. But life gets in the way, and if our plan doesn’t go perfectly we give up. Trying to rearrange your entire life around a crazy diet and exercise program will set you up for failure. Josiah says that having a plan is just part of the game. You must keep pushing forward even if you caved into junk food or skipped a few workouts. There are many ways to add fitness and nutrition to your life, and you’ll have greater success if you arrange new habits to accommodate to your existing lifestyle and schedule.

  1. Go for progress, not perfection.

Exercise and eating habits are difficult to change. It might take up to 90 days to settle into new healthy habits. Don’t focus on where you may have slipped. Instead, focus on what progress you have made. Maybe you didn’t work out as much as you planned, but it was much more often than before you had started. Maybe you didn’t stick to your nutrition plan, but you did eat more healthy foods than you did before.

  1. A healthy lifestyle is an investment, not a cost.

One of the biggest issues that keep dads from optimal health is they feel like they’re being selfish when they want to take time for themselves for fitness. But it’s selfish NOT to invest in your health. It’s a requirement. Imagine if one day you are unable to take care of your family because of health problems. Heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and other illnesses can be prevented by committing to healthy eating habits and regular exercise. You can’t afford not to be in your best health as a man, and especially as a father.

  1. You don’t have to put in hours at the gym.

Some men know they’ll never be able to put in hours at the gym. They’ll never have the time or money or energy, so they give up on the idea of working out altogether. Josiah says this is another excuse. You don’t have to go to the gym to get the results you want. There are plenty of ways to workout at home that will get you in excellent shape.

  1. You don’t have to work out every day.

Consistency is the key. That’s why it’s so important to create plan that flows with your lifestyle.  You could train for hours in the gym every night, but give up after a few weeks, or you can find a routine that fits your schedule and stick with it. Even if it’s 20 or 30 minutes a few days a week, you can get surprising results.

  1. Keep healthy foods around.

Nutrition is the hardest part for busy dads, but it’s the most important. It’s impossible to exercise your way out of a bad diet. The key is to have a system that is simple and lifestyle-friendly. One of the easiest ways to avoid temptation is to keep healthy food around at all times. When you’re cooking lean protein, like chicken breast, make extra portions and keep them in the fridge for later. Make sure you have healthy snacks around like low-sugar protein bars and smoothies. If you go out for lunch, take the opportunity to order a low-calorie protein rich meal like a salad. That way when you get home and you’re tired, you can be a little less strict during your evening meal with the family.

  1. Take diet breaks.

As long as you have discipline and do not binge, you can take diet breaks during the week. Don’t deprive yourself of ice cream when you’re out with the kids. Enjoy a date night dinner with your wife. What’s the point of being healthy if you can‘t live a little every now and then? Then you’ll feel ready to recommit to your diet the next day.


Josiah Novak’s Dad Wisdom

There will be moments as in fitness, fatherhood, marriage, or career where you will want to give up and drop everything. It’s normal to feel that way, but good things always happen when you push through. NEVER QUIT.


Referenced Episode:

True Transformation with Josiah Novak



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