Allan Blain – Life is Hard, Succeed Any Way

Allan Blain – Life is Hard, Succeed Any Way

Allan Blain is the former owner and CEO of a $40 million dollar real estate investment company. After realizing that he was not pursuing his true purpose and calling, he launched what he calls his “work-from-anywhere” freedom business, teaching everyday people how to create passive income streams from their phones. Today, he has grown his organization to include over 10,000 others spanning 10 countries, producing millions in annual revenue, and representing countless lives that have been positively impacted by his company’s food supplements.

Roman Prokopchuk – A Dad’s Guide to Fostering Love and Security

Roman Prokopchuk – A Dad’s Guide to Fostering Love and Security

Roman Prokopchuk is the Founder and CEO of Nova Zora Digital, and host of the Digital Savage Experience Podcast. He is also known as the digital savage, a self-taught digital marketer who ventured into the field out of necessity and developed a passion for it. He is also a foster parent who has welcomed 29 kids into his home since June 2018.

The Dude Dad – The Balance Of Raising 4 Kids
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The Dude Dad – The Balance Of Raising 4 Kids

Taylor Calmus, also known as ‘Dude Dad’, is a husband, father, and social media influencer who shares his insights and experiences on fatherhood and men’s health and wellness. He joined Larry on The Dad Edge Podcast to talk about the importance of finding humor in fatherhood, balancing parenting with a strong marriage, and aligning parenting styles.