The Spirit Of Fatherhood

Becoming a father is one of life’s most profound joys and solemn duties. The path ahead will be filled with questions and self-doubt—am I ready for this? How do I nurture faith and values? Can I still pursue my dreams? What if I mess up?

In The Spirit of Fatherhood, Larry Hagner provides fellow dads the wisdom and tools to navigate one of life’s most epic and awe-inspiring adventures.


June 13th Q&A w/ Larry at 7pm CST

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The Spirit Of Fatherhood Is YOur guide For your own Fatherhood JOurney

In THE SPIRIT OF FATHERHOOD, I take a hard look at what it means to be an engaged, present father in today’s world. I delve into the nitty-gritty of building a home where faith and love can flourish, where children feel safe to grow and explore. I offer practical tips on everything from disciplining with grace to instilling values that will serve your kids for a lifetime.

This book is a resource you return to again and again. I want it to be a reminder that you’re not alone in this journey. Every father, at some point, has felt the weight of doubt and uncertainty. Every father has questioned whether they have what it takes. THE SPIRIT OF FATHERHOOD is here to tell you that you do, and to give you the tools and the confidence to embrace this incredible, life-changing role.

So whether you’re a new dad still trying to figure out which way is up, or a seasoned pro looking for a fresh perspective, I invite you to dive into these pages. I promise you’ll come away feeling empowered, connected, and ready to tackle whatever fatherhood throws your way.

About the Author of The Spirit Of Fatherhood

Larry Hagner

Larry Hagner is the foundation for The Dad Edge – an organization dedicated to helping provide the necessary skills to navigate fatherhood – and hosts a leading podcast for fathers, The Dad Edge Podcast. He is the author of The Dad’s Edge, Daddy Will Always Love and Protect You, and Screen Time: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. He lives in St. Louis with his wife and soulmate, Jessica, and their four boys.

what people are saying…

“As I learned from my own Dad and Grandaddy, it’s the conversations between the lessons that are the real curriculum… and Larry’s book is a bright and shining example of just that. If you purchase your truth by the pound, bring a forklift for his words.”
Sean Patrick Flanery
Hollywood Actor
“There are few people on this planet who spend more time learning, teaching, practicing, and thinking about being a better dad. Acting on the wisdom in this book will improve your relationships.”
Markus Kaulius
Bestselling Author of Play a Bigger Game, Father, Investor, and Serial Entrepreneur
“Being a dad is easy right up until you have a kid. I wish someone had handed me this book in the maternity ward. It gives hope, encouragement, and wisdom at every age of this adventure that is fatherhood.”
Jon Acuff
New York Times bestselling Author of All It Takes Is a Goal
“Larry’s book brings calm to the overwhelming superpower of fatherhood.
He gracefully explains the delicate balance between father and child while showing how to use that power for good. This beautiful guide will point you in the right direction of your own journey as a father.”
Richard On
Lead Guitarist of O.A.R.
“Being a great husband is the first step to being a great father. Larry didn’t just write a blueprint for the importance of being a father. He has lived it.”
Todd Stottlemyre
Two-time World Series champion MLB pitcher
” There is no greater undertaking you’ll have as man than being a father.”
Anthony Trucks
Former NFL Athlete, Author of “Identity Shift”, and founder of Dark Work