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Porn Kills Love with Matt Sinkovitz

What You’ll Learn

5:00 Interview Begins

Matt talks about faith, buddhism, christianity and what it was like growing up with that. He mentions that he took bibles to china with his mother and would do work with churches to help inmates at different prisons.

7:19 When did porn start?

Matt Sinkovitz looks back as a child and describes his first glimpses he had related to porn, At the age of 11, he describes his encounter with friends and how “showed him the ropes”. He recognizes that at a very early stage in life, it would affect relationships and that carried over for 20 years.

11:15: Reasons why men use porn

Matt has helped many men in his facebook group and has found that there are common traits why men use porn: 

  • A need for intimacy
  • Boredom
  • Stress release

13:20 Larry’s experience

In Larry’s experience at the The Dad Edge Alliance, he finds that there are also similarities to what Matt mentioned before and dives deeper into it. 

14:50 The Psychology of Porn

Matt talks about the correlation out there today between pornography and the fix that we get off of pornography similar to social media and endless scrolling. All in all, it’s a dopamine fix.

17:34 Raising the bar

The impact behind intimacy is affected by the consumption of porn and this is where many men find themselves dissatisfied. Matt talks about useful things men can do to battle porn.

Matt Sinkovitz’s Links

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