the 12 week year brian moran

Getting More Done In 12 Weeks Than Others Do In 12 Months with Brian Moran

How would you like accomplish in 12 weeks what you’d think would take you a year? The traditional habit of planning goals over a 12 month period has proven ineffective. Believe it or not, we can actually execute more in the next 12 weeks than we can in 12 months—not only in business, but also in our family lives.

We are excited to have Brian Moran on the show today. He’s the NY Times Bestselling author of The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks Than Others Do in 12 Months. Brian’s going to tell us how the 12 Week Year works and how we can apply this strategy to work, health, and relationships. He also teaches us how to get our spouses and kids on board to so you can make incredible progress toward your big visions as a family.

Don’t let another year go by without having accomplished your goals. Get started on your 12 Week Year now!

Brian P. Moran

Brian Moran has over thirty years of expertise as a CEO, corporate executive, entrepreneur, consultant and coach. His background as a corporate executive combined with his experience as an entrepreneur positions him with a unique skill set to help individuals and organizations grow and prosper.

Brian’s corporate experience includes management and executive positions with UPS, PepsiCo, and Northern Automotive. As an entrepreneur he has personally launched and led successful businesses and been instrumental in the success of many others. In addition, he has consulted for dozens of world-class companies including Coldwell Banker, Mass Mutual, Medtronic, New York Life, and Tiffany & Co.

Brian is a recognized expert in the field of leadership and execution. His realization that most people don’t lack ideas but struggle with effective implementation led him to the development of The 12 Week Year. In addition to his books, Brian has been published in many of the leading business journals and magazines. He is a sought after speaker, educating and inspiring thousands each year.

He is a visionary with a passion for helping others go beyond what they think they are capable of and achieve more than they ever thought possible. His greatest strength might be his ability to take success principles and strategies and help others apply them in a way that is powerful and effective, and gets results.

The 12 Week Year: Get More Done In 12 Weeks Than Others Will In 12 Months

The guide to shortening your execution cycle down from one year to 12 weeks

Most organizations and individuals work in the context of annual goals and plans; a 12-month execution cycle. Instead, The 12 Week Year avoids the pitfalls and low productivity of annualized thinking. This book redefines your “year” to be 12 weeks long. In 12 weeks, there just isn’t enough time to get complacent, and urgency increases and intensifies. The 12 Week Year creates focus and clarity on what matters most and a sense of urgency to do it now. In the end more of the important stuff gets done and the impact on results is profound.

  • Explains how to leverage the power of a 12-week year to drive improved results in any area of your life
  • Offers a how-to book for both individuals and organizations seeking to improve their execution effectiveness
  • Authors are leading experts on execution and implementation
  • Turn your organization’s idea of a year on its head, and speed your journey to success.

What You’ll Learn

  • The surprising reason quantity time with your kids is more important than quality time
  • How to maximize your personal leadership
  • You have to act on the knowledge or it’s worthless.
  • How we can start executing when we’re surrounded by distractions
  • The importance of understanding who you are and grounding yourself
  • Accept that there will always be more to do than you can pursue effectively.
  • Most people have not done deep vision work. What do you want your life to look like?
  • What you do daily and weekly is tied to your big vision, not day-to-day issues.
  • Closing the knowing-doing gap
  • When we execute undistracted long enough to see results, it starts compounding like interest.
  • Don’t measure daily results. Measure
  • You must want your vision badly enough to step into discomfort.
  • Why you shouldn’t pursue more than 3 goals at a time
  • How to apply the 12 Week Year to health, marriage, and fatherhood
  • Setting family visions together
  • Helping your kids to set goals and be intentional about how they want to show up in the areas of their lives
  • How to approach your spouse with a 12-week plan
  • How collaborating on a 12-week plan creates more intimacy and deeper conversations
  • To be a proactive dad, thank about what’s the experience do you want to create for your kids? What can you do to make that happen?
  • Looking at your children as gifts
  • Giving yourself grace when you lose your temper


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Brian Moran





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