Brad Rhoads – Creating Depth and Intimacy with your Spouse Again

Brad Rhoads founded Grace Marriage in 2015 to help churches and couples prioritize marriage. Prior to this, Brad was a practicing attorney for 22 years. He served as a marriage pastor at their local church, where he noted the nationwide absence of an intentional, ongoing strategy to keep couples on a trajectory of growth.

Brad Rhoads’ Personal Journey

In this episode, Brad Rhoads shares his personal journey of feeling pressure to perform in his Christian life. He talks about how a friend helped him understand the concept of relying on the grace of God instead of his own efforts. Brad Rhoads explains the freedom he experienced when he realized that it’s okay to not be perfect and that he could enjoy life without the heavy burden of constantly striving. He also discusses how this mindset shift improved his relationships and allowed him to embrace imperfection.

The Importance of Quality Time in Marriage

One of the key factors that they emphasize is the importance of prioritizing quality time in marriage. The busyness of life often takes a toll on couples, causing them to go through the motions and lose sight of what truly matters. With kids’ activities, work demands, and financial pressures, it becomes easy to neglect the relationship and settle for a mediocre marriage.

Challenges in Achieving a Better Marriage

Many couples desire a better marriage, but they lack the knowledge and guidance on how to achieve it. They may have tried attending conferences or seeking advice, but nothing seems to bring about lasting change. As a result, they resign themselves to the status quo, accepting that their marriage is simply tolerable.

Hope for a Fulfilling Marriage

However, Brad and Larry argue that there is hope for a better marriage. The answer is not as difficult as it may seem, but many couples have not been given the tools or coaching to break free from their stagnant situation. The key is to find the answer and receive the necessary guidance to have a fulfilling and joyful marriage with one’s best friend.

Larry’s Takeaways

  1. Support your spouse through difficult times.
  2. Invest in your marriage daily.
  3. Hope and mutual willingness are key.

What You’ll Learn

00:02:20 Reasons for Checking Out of Marriage

00:03:33 Overcoming Stagnation in Marriage

00:04:55 The Importance of Spending Time Together

00:06:39 Defining a “Date” in Marriage

00:12:52 Prioritizing Marriage Over Parenting

00:14:25 The Effects of Giving Space in Marriage

00:19:37 Supporting a Spouse Through Personal Struggles

00:22:18 The Concept of Grace in Marriage

00:25:47 The Dynamics of Mutual Support in Marriage

00:30:53 Navigating Marriage During a Health Crisis

00:32:11 Providing Space Without Offering Solutions

00:34:26 The Decision to Separate Temporarily for Healing

00:37:46 Proactive and Reactive Approaches to Marriage Improvement

00:40:06 Advice for Couples Stuck in a Rut

00:42:08 The Cost of Neglecting Marriage

00:44:26 Hope and Mutual Willingness to Save a Marriage

00:47:21 The Delay Between Marital Unhappiness and Seeking Help


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