
Why Dating Will Elevate Your Marriage with Vince and Adrian Del Monte

“Dates got you to a place where you wanted to marry each other. And if you wanna stay married, then keep dating your spouse.” Andy Trob. 

Today my two guests who are actually brothers share insights on constantly elevating our marriages and why and how we need to constantly date our wives no matter how long we’ve been married. We’ve gotta do it for the sake of the marriage, for the sake of the family, and even believe it or not, for the sake of the kids. 

Vince, he’s been in the fitness industry for over 20 years and he began to impact others as the skinny guy Savior , where he transformed thousands of people from skinny and scrawny to strong and secure.

His no no nonsense muscle building system has given confidence and motivation to people all over the. And over the past seven years, Vince has transformed his expertise and experience to helping hundreds of fitness coaches build their own online business. He is a guru of fitness and marketing and lifestyle, and his actions have changed countless lives.

Adrian has also spent his life mentoring and bringing out the best in others. And for the past 15 years, Adrian has established himself as an award-winning teacher department, head podcaster, and high school leadership mentor to thousands of students and hundreds of teachers. Adrian is the executive director of Hopes Rise, a charity in Toronto that serves marginalized and underprivileged children in low income neighborhoods.

Adrian’s strategies for establishing healthy family rhythms have been used by countless homes with remarkable success.

What You’ll Learn

4:00 Interview Begins

5:20 Being Clear Enough

Vince and Adrian talk about why asking a lot of questions is somewhat similar to time-collapsing. Understanding how to communicate properly

8:45 Peanut Butter and Communication

Larry talks about the importance of clear communication and tells a story of how he asked his son to get some peanut butter. His son was making the peanut butter and Larry was upset that his son was making it instead of getting a jar of it. He then realized that there was poor communication on his part.

18:57 Boxes of Expectation

Adrian Del Monte talks about the valuable lesson for seeing our spouse more of how she wants to be seen and not just the focus on the obvious.

22:09 Quote

“It’s easy to leave your spouse, but it’s impossible to leave your best friend”.

23:34 Space-Time Continuum

Vince talks about the advice he would give himself if he were able to rip a hole in the space-time continuum to have dinner with himself 10 years back.

Vince and Adrian’s Links

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